published on 16 December 2019
published on 16 December 2019
It was a good year for Morals at Work. Our games were played by more than ten thousand employees from around forty different organizations. Small, such as the NIMD and large, such as the University of Utrecht. We made games for municipalities, provinces, ministries, ZBO’s and hospitals, for organizations that are active in development cooperation, for educational institutions and for housing associations. For the first time this year, the Morals at Work games went across the border, namely to Paris, London, Madrid, Sydney, Cairo and Laos. As a result, the illustrated rules and instructions for game supervisors are now also available in French, Spanish and English. We are also very pleased that a broader application of our games is being requested. We used them for workshops and training on customer focus, on cooperation and on leadership.
We thank our suppliers, who make this possible for us. In particular Vincent Hammingh for the design, Leo Enzlin for the website, Joeri de Bruin for the dilemma boxes, Kadra for the handmade game boxes and boards, and Gozi for the printed matter.