Angelique Lamers

The employees and game supervisors reacted positively to the game. Most of them indicated that it’s a good way to tackle the subject of integrity. By talking about so many different integrity dilemmas with their coworkers, people are able to gain awareness. The relaxed atmosphere that is created almost automatically by virtue of playing a game is notably important in that aspect.

Yvonne Meijers

It struck me that different people can interpret any given dilemma very differently. As a result, they also handle it differently. This might have to do with their personal experiences, cultural background, age, or their own norms and values. Getting to discuss a dilemma together is especially fun because of those things. It really shows you the different sides of a dilemma, and of your fellow players.

Petra Broekhuijsen

Everyone in the organization got the opportunity to talk to each other about difficult experiences that you typically wouldn’t discuss during a regular day of work. Most people found it fun and enjoyable to take the time to discuss these practical dilemmas together. The game is an easy and accessible way to do this.

Rob van Essen

The players are enthusiastic about the game format. They’re often not aware that there are so many possible points of view in the presented dilemmas, nor that there are so many different issues that can come up. The game is accessible, in addition to being an extremely suitable way to draw attention to the renewed Integrity Regulation that the province has drawn up.

Cecily Stolte

A very pleasant and effective way to create awareness through the game Mores! I can look back on our collaboration with positive feelings. Your flexibility and “quick phone calls” definitely helped us with putting the game together within a week.